Thursday, January 28, 2010

My nerves are a wreck :(

I'm still waiting for my beta and progesterone results from yesterday. I called this morning and they say they are still not in! This is insanity. I'm so scared and nervous, I wish I could just be happy but I'm just so scared. I'm afraid they might say my numbers are too low and I know that that usually doesnt matter as long as they double but the last time they told me that, things didnt end well :(

I called my mom yesterday to tell her the news. Only her and DH know of course. I figure I tell her the news now because last time with our little angel she was so confused and lost for words when I told her about my miscarriage. I'm just going to continue praying and praying that this little baby stays with us. Please baby, stick and stay until the end. We love you!


Debbs said...

Is waiting not the worst?!? I hope since you have not posted anything that your DH and you are celebrating that your numbers have double. Fingers crossed.

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