Monday, January 18, 2010

Dreaming about baby, as usual ;)

So just a short entry for today. The other day I started looking up baby names. I think DH thought I was being silly or something but maybe that's a good thing that I have some hope left in me to be able to look up baby names, right? So eventually he got into it with me (even if it was for just 5 to 10 minutes). Here is what we came up with. Now I'm going to list the names I came up with and some of DH's (he has some outrageous names, so I have to be very careful that when I do have a baby that I'm there to see this baby named!!! LOL)

My list:
For a boy:

For a Girl:

DH's Choices for a boy:
Titus <--- I said no way
Tiberion <---- I said no way

For a Girl:

DH is half Italian and he obviously has an attraction to these ancient Roman names but I don't want my kid teased all his life ! He said that we need "strong" names, which I do not disagree with but I can already see it's going to be quite tough picking out names that we can both come to love. Feel free to leave some names you consider, maybe we can get more on our list :) I'm sure I'll be revising this list once and if I ever do get pregnant, until then, we'll see!



Debbs said...

It's funny how when women start thinking about a baby we pick out names. I love most of your names. I have to say as someone married to a man with a odd name (he loves his name as an adult) I would go with your DH picks for Titus or Tiberion for the boys names. Then again I picked out Blaint ( Hungarian name) for a boy and Blaine( the pet form of Balint for a girl). All the best in the hunt for the perfect name.

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