Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm 7wk6 days today and since yesterday I've been passing clots. Bright red clots. They say it's from the subchroniotic hematoma but it does not stop.

It all started after the visit to the ob/gyn Thursday. He told me I should spot from the examination and also said that the hematoma should resolve itself by reabsorbing into the body or bleed out. I prayed I would not bleed out. After I got up from a small cat nap in the afternoon yesterday, Friday, I felt a small gush coming out. It was bright red blood. Of course I freaked out but I figured it would go away if it's just the hematoma bleeding and I had no cramping or any other bad signs. I continued bleeding until I started passing clots into this morning. I could not take not knowing how the baby was doing or when this would stop.

At the ER the baby was measuring almost 8 weeks and the heart was beating between 150 and 165bpm. My hcg levels were around 13,600 or so and I was told everything was measuring to date. I was given instructions to go home and not do anything and hopefully the bleed will stop. DH has officially put me on complete bedrest but I've still been bleeding changing underwear and all 4 times already. I'm truly scared and have prayed none stop for this baby to make it and for all this to go away. I ask for angels and guidance and I hold back tears in my eyes and pain in my heart not wanting to think about the biggest heartbreak of all. I keep trying to envision this baby, the little baby girl I have dreamt and the big belly I saw myself having. I'm hoping we can make it these next 7 months and meet each other and smile and cry together.


Sonya said...

Natalia; I'm sorry you are doing through this. I'm kind of worried about how much you are bleeding - I would go back to emerg if it doesn't stop soon. Did they do an exam of your cervix? ((hugs)) I can't imagine how scared you are! Please keep the blog updated... I'm sure it will all be fine.

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