Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Results of genetic testing

We got the results for our little angel. Turns out that it had triploidy. Meaning, instead of having 46 chromosomes like every normal human being, this angel had 69 or an extra chromosome in every set. That's all I know, this is the first time we ran this type of testing and all I can do is research online to understand better.

Needless to say, my husband and I feel a little better. Not better that we lost our "miracle" baby but better in knowing that there was nothing we could have really done to prevent this from happening. I kept partially blaming the hematoma, but now we know it was definitely not that. Having these results helps give some closure to this very painful loss. Life has definitely been tough, full of anger and hurt on behalf of both of us.

On a happier note, tomorrow is our 4 year marriage anniversary! We give each other traditional gifts and this year is flowers and fruits. I'm giving him three roses. A peach rose that signifies desire and admiration (because we are still so passionate about each other and I always admire his will to move forward no matter what happens in our lives). A dark pink rose that signifies thankfulness for all that he has done for me throughout the many years we known each other. And a red rose that signifies my deep love for him. I'm getting my nails and hair done, dressing up nice and sexy and picking him up from work to head to dinner at the Melting Pot. Thought it would be appropriate to share chocolate fondue with fruits! So, I'm looking forward to a nice evening and as you can see this year I want to make him feel special because so far, all we have is each other and that's ok sometimes.


Michelle said...

1st Happy Anniversary!

Sorry you even had to go through that testing but it is a little better having some kind of answer. I wish we could have gotten that kind of testing on any of our loses. ((HUGS))

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