Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Missing my "pregnant"

So, we've been trying to have a baby for about two years on and off. It seems the frustration was too overwhelming for me and I guess looking back I was never as ready as I am now. Since January I have been pregnant once. It ended in a "chemical" pregnancy at 5 wks. The joy of seeing those positive lines and "pregnant" on the digital was unexplainable. Unfortunately, I had been having some light bleeding and as the nurse from my ob/gyn office confirmed I would be miscarrying.

That was one of the hardest experiences ever, because the hurt of knowing that I was but I couldn't keep that little angel was too much to take. In the subsequent months, until now every time I see negative pregnancy tests or PMS and AF are undeniably on their way I can't help but cry myself to sleep. Many times I cry to my hubby/love but some of the times I just curl in bed and cry and sob really loud when no one is around. I hope that I don't have to do that much longer and that if I do cry, I cry tears of joy knowing that everything will be ok.


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